Found: The Last of the Summer Couches
One more for the road…
Read More“There’s another one around the corner,” Laura said. Every smart answer I could think of flooded into my head. In this case, though, I knew what she was talking about. As you know, Allentown has been littered with old couches waiting to be picked up for the morning trash. This was the third in a […]
Read MoreIt appears to be “Get Rid of Your Old Couch” season in Allentown. Maybe it’s peer pressure, that old oh-the-Petersens-are-throwing-out-their-couch-maybe-we-should-throw-out-ours feeling. Be that as it may, free couches are available in Allentown. Stop by for tremendous savings!
Read MoreAh, yes, you can see that there are two letters missing, but which two letters? You have 58 seconds.
Read MoreThe conversation reads in my head like this: Woman: We’ve got to get rid of this old couch. It’s so old and… Man: I like it fine in the basement where it is. Woman: It’s not even good enough for the basement. Honestly, I’m embarrassed to have it in the house. We’ve got to take […]
Read MoreThings get left behind on trash day. It happens. And that’s what might have happened here, but upon closer inspection, I don’t think so. All that was left on this area between the sidewalk and the road was a) the can of whipped cream, and b) the pink cap for the can of whipped cream. […]
Read MoreIt happens. Kids lose their shoes, usually more out of design than out of carelessness. I even saw a child drop one out the window of a moving car. I found this one on the Third Street in Media back in May, and I’d like to think the little stinker yanked it off from the […]
Read MoreLately I’ve been finding a lot of interesting stuff out on the street. So much so that I’ve decided to put together a section called Lost and Found, full of found items, and one lost dog. A dog so lost he’s missing from the poster created to find him. The couch below is just one […]
Read MoreThere are many things that could be said about this year’s Super Bowl, but to sum it all up: everyone outside of New England and those without ties to New England wanted to see the Patriots lose. Not only to lose, but to be embarrassed. For three quarters, we, those who could not bear another […]
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